Board Attorney

Board Attorney

Fred Walton Montgomery II
Law Office: 1600 Azalea Drive, Suite B
Waynesboro, MS 39367
Telephone: 601-410-9511

With the complexity of modern county government operations, the Board Attorney plays a crucial role in the Board of Supervisors’ decision-making process. The Board Attorney seeks to provide sound legal advice in all matters concerning the county’s governance and day-to-day operations. The Board Attorney represents the county on a wide range of issues including civil cases, eminent domain proceedings, title research, issuance of bonds, etc.

Board Attorney responsibilities

  • Attend regular and called meetings of the Board of Supervisors
  • Represent the Board of Supervisors in:
    • All civil cases of county interest
    • Eminent domain proceedings
    • Examination and certification of titles to property the county might potentially acquire
    • Any criminal suit against a county officer for malfeasance, where the county might be financially liable
    • Answering legal inquires from board members and other county officials
    • Researching land records
    • Drafting board orders
    • Obtaining Attorney General’s opinions
    • Reviewing and drafting of contracts
    • Bond work
    • Handling an array of litigation