
Board of Supervisors 2024-2028 terms of office

District 1 — Hal Hayes

District 2 — Joe Dyess (Vice President)

District 3 — Andrew Chapman

District 4 — Keith Clay (President)

District 5 — Henry Cooley

Address: Wayne County Courthouse, 609 Azalea Drive, Waynesboro, MS 39367
Office: First floor of Wayne County Courthouse
Telephone: 601-735-3414
Fax: 601-735-6230


Board of Supervisors’ basics

The Wayne County Board of Supervisors is made up of five members with each being elected from a single-member district, which is to be as equal as possible in terms of overall population based on the federal Census conducted every 10 years.

Pursuant to the Mississippi Constitution, the board is delegated “full jurisdiction over [county] roads, ferries and bridges, to be exercised in accordance with such regulations as the Legislature may prescribe.” This responsibility is unquestionably a matter of vital importance to the life of the county.

However, it is important to recognize roads and bridges represent only one of the board’s many concerns. The powers and duties of the panel have been substantially expanded through the years by legislative action. In today’s counties, the board is delegated a variety of other public duties that touch virtually every facet of life. As is the case with the board of directors of a major corporation, the board of supervisors has the task of guiding and establishing policy for the complex multi-million-dollar enterprise of county government.

As members of the board, supervisors make decisions that directly impact economic development, public health, safety and welfare. Suffice it to say, the office of county supervisor is a position of public trust that has certain attendant duties and obligations. Those that enter the office do not take these duties and obligations lightly.

To learn more about the duties and responsibilities of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, click HERE.

The Wayne County Board of Supervisors operates on a Beat system with its road and bridge maintenance, to learn more about what this means … click HERE and advance to Page 26 of the document.



Supervisors must accomplish the business of the county by collective and official action during regularly scheduled meetings held:

* On the first Monday of each month (or moved to the next official business day if that Monday is a recognized holiday) in the Supervisors’ Chambers at the Wayne County Courthouse, at 609 Azalea Drive in Waynesboro. The session begins at 9 a.m.

* The board typically holds another meeting on the second Thursday of each month (providing there is no scheduling conflict) to address county business not taken up during the meeting on the first Monday of the month. This session also begins at 9 a.m., in the Supervisors’ Chambers at the Wayne County Courthouse.

All meetings of the board are open to the public except for periods as deemed necessary under “Executive Session” to address matters behind closed doors as prescribed by law.

For information on policies including open meetings, public records and conflicts of interest, click HERE.

See the Mississippi Ethics Commission link to Title 25, Chapter 41 of Mississippi Open Meetings Law, click HERE.


Board of Supervisors staff (courthouse office)

Melissa Davis — Board Secretary and Accounts Payable Clerk
Telephone: 601-735-3414; Email:

Kristen Harrison — Comptroller and Purchase Clerk
Telephone: 601-735-6242; Email: or

Linda Gray — Human Resources Director
Telephone: 601-735-3662; Email:

Tina Cochran — Senior Clerk
Telephone: 601-735-6259; Email:

Sean Dunlap — Grants Administrator, Community Affairs Officer and Deputy Purchase Clerk
Telephone: 601-735-3414; Email:


Contact us

For more information about the Wayne County Board of Supervisors as well as meeting and general business queries, call Board Secretary Melissa Davis at 601-735-3414 or email her at Questions about county policies or concerns can be addressed to Community Affairs Officer Sean Dunlap at 601-735-3414 or email him at