Where do I purchase my Mississippi vehicle tag (license plate)?
Those who reside in Wayne County and operate a motor vehicle — with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or less or with a gross vehicle weight of 10,000 pounds or more that will only operate on Mississippi roads — must purchase a license plate from the Wayne County Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office on the first floor of the courthouse near the east entrance to the building. For information related to documentation needed to purchase a tag, contact the Tax Assessor-Collector’s Office at 601-735-3381 or 601-735-2588.
Per state policy, you are required to register your vehicle in the county where the vehicle is domiciled, or where it is parked (garaged) overnight.
For a motor vehicle with a gross vehicles weight of more than 10,000 pounds and which travels across state boundaries, you will need to register the vehicle through the Department of Revenue office in Clinton.
How long after I buy a new vehicle do I have to get the tag?
The vehicle must be registered within seven (7) working days of the date you purchased the vehicle. If you purchased the vehicle outside of your home county, you have nine (9) working days from the date of purchase to register the vehicle before penalties apply.
I just bought a new vehicle, can I put my old license plate on it?
No. In Mississippi, the tag is registered to both the vehicle and the owner. If one or the other changes, the tag must be removed and surrendered to the Wayne County Tax Assessor-Collector’s office.
I’m moving to Mississippi. How long do I have before I have to get a Mississippi tag?
You have 30 days to register your vehicle(s) in Mississippi if you have a current registration (license plate) in your prior state of residence. If you do not register within 30 days of moving into this state, you will be charged the standard late fees and a $250 penalty. You will not be allowed the Legislative Tag Credit if your previous license plate has expired, or, if you never registered the vehicle in your prior state of residence.
How much will my license plate cost?
To determine how much your tag will cost, you will need to contact the Wayne County Tax Assessor-Collector’s office at 601-735-3381 or 601-735-2588. In Mississippi, you pay privilege tax, registration fees, ad valorem taxes and possibly sales or use tax when you tag your vehicle. Registration fees are $12.75 for renewals and $14.00 for first-time registrations. All the other taxes are based on the type of vehicle, the value of that vehicle and where you live (city and county levies).
How do I apply for a disabled tag/placard?
To apply for a disabled tag and/or placard, you need to submit to The Wayne County Tax Assessor-Collector’s office a Mississippi Disabled Parking Application, Form 76-104. The application must be completed by your licensed physician or nurse practitioner. There is no additional fee required to obtain a Disabled License Plate or Placard. (All regular taxes and registration fees must be paid.)
You can obtain the application form from the Tax Assessor-Collector’s office. You must submit a new application when the image of the standard plate is changed, which is every five years. The statement must be dated within 90 days of your renewal application.
The Disabled Placard is a removable windshield placard that is hung from the rearview mirror of a vehicle when you park in a disabled parking space. The placard must be used only when a physically disabled person is the driver or passenger of the motor vehicle at the time of its parking.
It is illegal to park in a parking space reserved for persons with disabilities if you do not have the correct vehicle plates or parking permit. You can use the vehicle plates or placard in Mississippi and other states.
What should I do to renew my vehicle registration (license plate) if I did not receive a renewal notice in the mail?
Check your license plate decal frequently to see when it expires. Not receiving a license plate renewal card does not mean you don’t have to pay the annual fee. The penalty for late renewal of your license plate begins on the 16th day of the month following expiration at the rate of 5 percent. Then for each additional 30 days that the tag is overdue an additional 5 percent will be charged. The maximum penalty is 25 percent. Once you reach the 25 percent penalty, you will not be allowed any Legislative Tag Credit.
What about military personnel and students temporarily in Mississippi? Do they need a Mississippi license plate?
Military personnel (and their dependents) stationed in Mississippi, but who claim another state as their home, are not required to obtain a Mississippi registration or tag. Military personnel who are residents of this state are required to register their vehicle in Mississippi.
Full-time students who are not residents of this state are not required to register their vehicle in Mississippi.
My question wasn’t answered, what can I do now?
Again, most questions can be answered by calling the Wayne County Tax Assessor-Collector’s office 601-735-3381 or 601-735-2588 during business hours or click on the following link for the Mississippi Department of Revenue’s Motor Vehicle Licensing page.