Licensing is quick and easy
Wayne County is a popular destination for hunters and fishermen because of its ample wildlife and waterways. Obtaining a Mississippi hunting, fishing license is a requirement and can be a simple as visiting the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks website.
To obtain this license, you will need to enter your driver license number; the state in which your driver license was issued; your date of birth; and your state of residence. If the applicant is under the age 16, use your Social Security number. Do not include dashes or spaces while entering your driver license of Social Security number.
Hunters will also need to provide their Education Number (if born on or after January 1, 1972). This is not required for fishing licenses or electronic waterfowl stamps.
The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks accepts all major credit and debit cards to purchase licenses online.
Click HERE to access the MDWFP license purchase portal.
For more information (including fees) on Mississippi’s FISHING license fees, click HERE.
For more information (including fees) on Mississippi’s HUNTING license fees, click HERE.